It's not about the setback, it's about the comeback



Dr. Rob Bell is a sport psychology coach, author, speaker, and trainer. Everyone is an athlete, your office is just different! We have to compete!

He has spoken to the NFL, NSCA, PGA, Marriott, and Walgreens. Rob has worked with 3 different winners on the PGA Tour and has served as the mental coach for the University of Notre Dame, Indy Eleven, an Olympic Silver medalist, an ATP Champion, and the USTA National Champion.

Dr. Bell has caddied over 20+ events on the PGA & LPGA Tours. He's completed an ironman, several marathons, and ultramarathons. Hence, #pukeandrally

The podcast titled 15 Minutes of Mental Toughness where he interviews experts on Mental Heath, mental toughness, and their Hinge moments. Subscribe here.

This is his 7th book on Mental Toughness.  

Everyone has puked!

No one can avoid it!

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, coach, executive, or full-time mom or dad, you’ll face setbacks.  There will be strife, turmoil, hardships, and extreme adversity. It is just “when” rather than “if” you’ll encounter them.

However, it’s not about the setback, It’s about the comeback!

Despite all of our mistakes, pain, and misfortune, we can still rally!


 In this book you’ll learn and apply:

  • Why just one mistake derails our best plans and you’ll rally if you can overcome this error.
  • Being told or shown that “you’re not good enough” is actually the key to success.
  • Why more people die coming down Mount Everest than climbing up.
  • That the process is more important than the product.
  • The most important mental skill that you’ll need to comeback.
  • The most powerful lightning strikes are from “out of the blue.”


It's not about the setback, it's about the comeback

Puke & rally

Puke & rally


  • "The title of Dr. Rob Bell’s latest book sums up the secret to success in life. Learn how to “PUKE” your setbacks and use life’s trials as a force multiplier to “RALLY” back and propel your life positively forward.  Puke & Rally will confidently guide you through parable after the parable of historical examples to PROVE to you that you too can “PUKE AND RALLY”. Embrace the journey!" Dan Hawkins, Head Football Coach, University of California, Davis
  • "I became the Last Human Standing at the notorious, Big's Backyard Ultra, through a lot of epic failures. Behind every success is a whole lot of 'puking.'  What makes all the difference is the 'rally.'  Dr. Rob dissects the PUKE & RALLY phenomenon and lights a fire at the same time. You can't walk away from this read and not be inspired." — Maggie Guterl, Winner 2019 Big’s Backyard Ultra
  • We all experience failure and setbacks in our lives. But the truly successful people are those who take these negative experiences and turn them into a positive learning opportunity.  In Puke & Rally, Dr. Rob Bell provides a mental framework you can use to overcome any challenge that life throws your way. Whether you’re facing a personal or professional obstacle, this book will help you meet this challenge head-on, learn from this experience, and then emerge as a stronger, tougher person.  Steve Scott, author of Habit Stacking
  • "When I won my first PGA Tour event, Dr. Rob also completed a 50-mile ultra that same weekend. So, I wasn't going to let him get all the glory. PUKE & RALLY is the calling card to success because if you want something bad enough, you'll encounter setbacks. The key is 'will you come back?'" — Tyler Duncan, PGA Tour
  • "In this smart, fast-moving book, Dr. Rob Bell lays the foundation to help you get up, get going, and get ahead no matter what life or business throws your way. Rob takes his high-performance lessons, breaks them down into actionable "do-this-now" steps, and gives you plenty of mind-sparking stories and examples to chew on. If you're looking to upgrade your career, your business, and your results - look no further. The resilience and mental toughness handbook for the rest of us is here. Buy a copy for everyone on your team. Yes, it's that good."
    — David Newman, CSP, author of "Do It! Marketing" and "Do It! Speaking"
  • “I feel so sharp and ready to compete after reading PUKE & RALLY. I feel this way about Dr. Rob because the way he constantly walks the walk is inspiring.” —  Adam Schenk, PGA Tour
  • "There will be major setbacks on our journey. But as Dr. Rob writes in PUKE & RALLY, the process is more important than the product! It's about who we transform into because of the trials that we'll encounter and overcome." — Martin Rooney, Coach and Best Selling Author of Coach To Coach 
  • "I've interviewed thousands of millionaires on my podcast and setbacks are common amongst them all. Failure is an asset. It is a gift that will direct us toward the correct path in our life. As Dr. Rob writes in PUKE & RALLY,  failure is painful, but the required ingredient is how we respond to the adversity. It's all about the comeback!" — Jaime Masters, Eventual Millionaire
  • “Dr. Rob’s new book Puke & Rally needs to be on all bookshelves. It gives you tactical ways to look at the problem and rise up against all odds. If you are searching for a book that will lift you up, help you find the inner strength you need to make a comeback, this is for you!” — Devan Kline, CEO, Burn Boot Camp
  • "This book is another stellar example of Dr. Rob Bell’s ability to creatively describe life’s obstacles and provide ideas that will help us respond to adversity.”   Joe Skovron, PGA Tour Caddy
  • "This is THE book about mental toughness I have always wanted to read. Dr. Bell’s book is sharp, articulate and full of heart.” — John Brubaker, Author of Stadium Status, Leadership Performance Expert,
  • “I’ve been able to use my platform to inspire and touch lives. Thank you Dr. Rob Bell, may ‘Puke & Rally’ always be my battle cry!” — Sandy Zimmerman, 1st mom to hit the Buzzer on American Ninja Warrior
  • "Being successful in life isn’t about what you achieve, but your ability to look adversity in its dark eyes and move past it.  PUKE & RALLY shows us that everyone “pukes” at some stage of their life, but it’s about those who are able to comeback from the painful setbacks! Dr. Rob Bell once again has written an insightful, educating, and relatable book that we all can learn from!" Luke Tyburski: The Ultimate Triathlon, Author of Chasing Extreme
  • "Life is not a marathon as Dr. Rob writes in PUKE & RALLY. It's more like a 100-mile trail race, I know, I've done them! Life is hard and unless we make up our mind to never give up, then eventually we will quit. However, if we can focus correctly and have confidence and courage, then we can create our comeback!" Lisa Tamati, Coach, and author of Relentless 
  • “A coach’s greatest gift is to positively create echoes you’ll never hear to transform lives beyond the game. This book hammers home that message and much more.” Reed Maltbie, Author of Echoes Beyond The Game. TEDx Speaker
Puke & rally
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It's not about the setback, it's about the comeback


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